It’s No Accident When You Partner with the Right Car Crash Attorney

Car accidents in Colorado Springs can be painful and confusing for everyone involved — including your family and friends. Not soon after the smoke settles are you hit with medical bills and calls from insurance companies. It’s too overwhelming for you to do alone, so partner with car crash lawyers who care about all of our clients and fight for fair compensation with compassionate representation.

Why You Need a Car Crash Attorney on Your Side

After an accident, it’s only natural to want the experience to be over with as quickly as possible. Undoubtedly, one of the best decisions you can make is to hire a car accident lawyer to help you with the process. Here’s who needs to call us for a free consultation:

How Much Does it Cost to Hire a Car Accident Law Firm?

Does the thought of paying for representation for a car accident lawyer make you nervous? Are you concerned about unnecessary fees on top of the financial issues you’re already facing because of your accident injuries? Let us show you how we don’t get paid until you do.

Understanding How Our Contingency Fee Works

Schofield & Green Law works with our clients on a contingency fee basis. It sounds complicated, but it’s pretty simple. Our car accident law firm will only charge you a fee if we secure compensation for you. It doesn’t matter if we go to trial or settle out of court; you don’t owe us a dime until we win.

If You Can’t Pay, You Won’t Pay

Our Colorado Springs car accident lawyers are committed to creating win-win situations for ourselves and our clients. If we can’t help you, you won’t pay; all the risk is our own. If we are able to get you compensation, we will charge you only a small portion of the settlement, and everyone will walk away better off.

What Are Common Causes of Car Crashes in Colorado?

The state of Colorado does a great job of reporting on the number of car accidents in the state and what are the biggest reasons why they occur. Here are some of the most common causes of motor vehicle accidents:

The Colorado Department of Transportation and the Colorado State Patrol say that speeding is the number one leading cause of traffic accidents and even fatalities. Going at a high rate of speed over the limit reduces your ability to steer safely. If someone in front of you needs to stop quickly, you’ll also have less time to react with your vehicle. Speeding is most common in the summer months, according to authorities, when people are most likely to hit the road for a vacation.

We put this near the top of the list because it’s one of the biggest causes of car accidents in Colorado and across the country. Distractions can include texting or using a phone, eating, applying makeup, interacting with passengers, or anything else that takes a driver’s attention away from the road. According to the Colorado Department of Transportation, distracted driving was the third leading cause of traffic crashes in 2021 and continues to grow as the years have passed since then.

Even though drivers know the big consequences of getting behind the wheel after drinking, people still do it. Alcohol will impair your ability to drive safely, no matter how “good” you think you are or how close to sober you may be. Here’s a sobering fact we should all pay attention to: The Colorado Department of Transportation reports that one of out of three traffic deaths are linked to drunk driving and were completely avoidable had the person drinking called a friend or an Uber for a ride home. If a drunk driver has totaled your car and well-being, reach out to us.
Reckless driving is an umbrella term for a variety of dangerous behaviors a person can have when they step behind the wheel of any motor vehicle. Drivers who often tailgate, change lanes without signaling, drive aggressively, freak out in a fit of road rage, and run red lights or stop signs are all at risk for causing a car accident. We’ve all seen these kinds of drivers and experienced reckless driving at some point when accidents and injuries occur because of them — it’s time to fight for your justice.
Colorado Springs can experience severe weather, including snow, ice, rain, and high winds. These conditions can make roads slippery and reduce visibility, increasing the likelihood of accidents. The tricky thing about Mother Nature is that she can strike at any time, causing a car accident involving bikes, trucks, motorcycles, and more. When weather stands in your way of safely operating a vehicle, sometimes it’s best to stay put until it passes. If weather conditions lead to an accident, reach out to us to learn about your options.
When our highways and mountain roadways are not maintained, you and your vehicle are susceptible to a crash or wreck. Potholes, faulty traffic signals, inadequate signage, and poor road maintenance can contribute to accidents. You can be minding your own business, going about your day, and suddenly, you are in an accident. Don’t let road conditions leave you unable to live your life. Talk with a personal injury attorney today to find out what type of compensation might be available for your case.
Tired driving could be lumped in with distracted driving, but we think it needs its own section. Many drivers are tired when they get behind the wheel for a variety of reasons, including stress or even sleep apnea. Fatigue can significantly impair a driver’s ability to pay attention to the road, react to dangers, and make good driving decisions. The Colorado State Patrol reported that 84 crashes occurred in 2022 as a result of fatigue or someone falling asleep behind the wheel of a vehicle.
Driving isn’t something we’re born knowing how to do. It takes considerable time to learn how to operate a vehicle safely while obeying all of the state traffic laws. Young and inexperienced drivers are more likely to be involved in car accidents. They are more prone to risky behaviors like speeding and texting while driving and may not be fully capable of handling complex driving situations. Teenage drivers are out there everywhere and when an accident occurs, it might be time you contact a car accident attorney right away.
When you fail to yield to the right of way in Colorado, you’re putting yourself and others at risk of having a car accident or vehicle collision. Most of these types of accidents occur when drivers fail to yield the right of way at intersections, when merging, or when pedestrians are crossing the street. Failure to yield the right of way, which leads to a motor vehicle accident, can also lead to a three-point violation of your driving record. There are certainly lots of rules and laws to follow when driving. When something goes wrong, call our car accident lawyers today.

Car Accident Injuries Our Personal Injury Attorneys Help With

Car accidents can result in various injuries, depending on factors such as the speed and angle of the collision, whether the occupants were wearing seatbelts, and the size and type of vehicles involved. Here are some common types of injuries we see at Schofield & Green Law:

Head and Brain Injuries

These can range from mild concussions to severe traumatic brain injuries. Such injuries can occur if an occupant’s head strikes a window, the dashboard, or another object during a collision.

Spinal Cord Injuries

Severe car accidents can result in damage to the spinal cord, potentially leading to partial or complete paralysis. This type of injury will significantly impact your quality of life, and you deserve compensation that can help.

Whiplash and Neck Injuries

Whiplash, an injury to the neck caused by a sudden movement of the head, is common in car accidents, particularly rear-end collisions. It can cause neck pain, stiffness, and other complications.

Fractures Throughout the Body

Arms, legs, ribs, or other bones can be fractured or broken due to the force of impact during a car accident. These usually heal with help from a doctor or physical therapist, but you could miss out on work and wages.

Soft Tissue Injuries

Car accidents often lead to soft tissue injuries throughout the body. These include sprains, strains, and tears to muscles, tendons, and ligaments. They can occur in any part of the body but are particularly common in the neck and back in car accidents.

Internal Injuries

When you’re involved in any type of traffic accident, there’s usually great force involved. This is what can lead to internal injuries that can include internal bleeding or damage to organs, which can be life-threatening. Get checked by a doctor following any accident.

Cuts and Bruises

It doesn’t matter who’s at fault; there will likely be broken glass when you’re in a car crash. Shattered glass or metal can cause deep cuts, while abrasions can occur from being thrown against surfaces or airbags. These injuries can cause significant blood loss or scars.

Psychological Injuries

Beyond physical injuries, car accident victims often suffer psychological trauma. They may experience conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, or depression as a result of the accident. These conditions can negatively affect your daily life and overall well-being.

Trust Our Car Accident Attorneys to Be There for You

When an accident is not your fault, having a Colorado Springs personal injury lawyer on your side will help ensure you are treated fairly throughout the process. There are so many benefits to partnering with Schofield & Green Law, including:

Receiving Money You’re Entitled To

Hiring a car crash law firm prevents you from leaving valuable compensation on the table. Working with an accident attorney minimizes any liabilities in the case of personal fault.

Having Decades of Experience on Your Side

Schofield & Green Law has provided legal advice and valued representation since 2009. We’ve helped hundreds of satisfied clients win their cases and will take care of you and your family.

Understanding How Personal Injury Cases Work

Never try to take on a car accident case on your own. You want to partner with a personal injury lawyer who’s an expert at the law and knows how to negotiate with insurance companies.

Our Case Results Speak for Themselves

While we work hard never to treat clients like a number, our car crash attorneys are proud of the number of settlements we’ve secured over the years. Here are some of our most exceptional case results:

Pedestrian Vs. Vehicle Accident



Pedestrian Vs. Vehicle Accident

$1.125 M


Two-Vehicle Car



Rear-End Car



See What Our Clients Are Saying About Our Auto Accident Attorneys

Check out these reviews from a few of our satisfied personal injury clients to understand how Schofield & Green Law can fight for you.

Frequently Asked Questions Car Accident Lawyers Hear the Most

Here are some answers to the most common questions about car accidents courtesy of our personal injury lawyers:

When considering hiring a car accident lawyer, many accident victims are concerned with the price. It’s only natural to want to avoid paying unnecessary fees that might increase the financial burden you face as the result of an accident; however, the Colorado Springs personal injury attorneys at Schofield & Green Law work with you on a contingency fee basis.


You won’t have to take on expensive legal bills on top of what you’re already dealing with because of your car accident. Our auto accident lawyers are committed to creating win-win situations for ourselves and our clients. We collect a small portion of your settlement with full transparency about any costs or fees.

The only way to make sure you’re getting the most money for your car accident settlement is to have a personal injury lawyer working for you. We can’t stress enough how easy it is for insurance companies to reach out to you and offer a settlement that’s simply not enough. You deserve better but don’t know better if you don’t have someone like a car accident injury law firm on your side.


Insurance companies know that the average accident victim just wants the situation to go away quickly, even if that means taking less compensation. Your accident attorney in Colorado Springs will continue to fight for every cent you deserve, and make sure the insurance companies compensate you reasonably, based on the specific facts of your case. Not only are we well versed in all the legal loopholes that insurance companies often use against you, but we also have strong relationships with virtually all major insurance companies so that we can get to a fair settlement quickly.

How long you have to file a lawsuit depends on the statute of limitations or deadline date. For car accident lawsuits in Colorado, the general statute of limitations for these claims is three (3) years from the date of the accident. This three-year window applies to lawsuits seeking to recover damages for bodily injury, property damage, and emotional distress resulting from the accident.


It’s crucial to note that this three-year timeframe generally begins from the accident date. However, in some instances, depending on the facts of your situation, your statute of limitations could be shorter or longer. Given these complexities, it’s important to consult with a knowledgeable personal injury attorney as soon as possible after your injury.


If you fail to file a lawsuit within this three-year window, you’ll typically lose your right to do so. There are, however, exceptions to this rule. For instance, if the injured person was a minor or mentally incompetent at the time of the accident, the statute of limitations may be extended. Similarly, if the defendant leaves the state of Colorado after the accident but before a lawsuit can be initiated, the period of their absence may not count toward the three-year limit.

In Colorado, all drivers are legally required to carry auto insurance to help cover costs in the event of an accident. This rule is designed to protect both the policyholder and other drivers, pedestrians, or property that could be affected during an accident.

The minimum coverage requirements under Colorado law are as follows:

  • Bodily Injury Liability: $25,000 per person and $50,000 per accident. This insurance pays for costs associated with injuries to other people involved in an accident for which the policyholder is found responsible. This can include medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering.
  • Property Damage Liability: $15,000 per accident. This covers repairing or replacing another person’s property – usually their vehicle- but could also include structures, personal belongings, or other physical property damaged in an accident for which the policyholder is at fault.

In addition to these requirements, Colorado law also requires insurers to offer MedPay (Medical Payments Coverage), although drivers can opt out of it in writing. MedPay covers necessary and reasonable medical or funeral expenses from an auto accident and works regardless of who is at fault. 

The minimum amount offered is usually $5,000. Colorado drivers should also know the state’s “fault” system. Under this system, the person who caused the accident (and their insurer) is responsible for the damages and injuries.

In the state of Colorado, there are specific requirements for reporting a car accident designed to ensure proper documentation and accountability for road incidents.


If a car accident results in injury, death, or property damage exceeding $1,000, Colorado law stipulates that the incident must be reported to the Colorado Department of Revenue within 10 days. This reporting is usually done by filing a crash report form, also known as a DR 2447 form, with the Colorado Department of Revenue’s Division of Motor Vehicles. This form will ask for details about the accident, including the vehicles and people involved, the location and time of the incident, the nature of the injuries or damage, and a diagram of how the accident occurred.


Additionally, any accident that results in injury, death, or significant property damage must be reported immediately to local law enforcement. This can be the local police department, the county sheriff, or the Colorado State Patrol if the accident occurs on a highway or interstate. Immediate reporting to law enforcement is crucial as it allows for an accurate and timely investigation of the scene, collection of evidence, and recording of statements from witnesses and parties involved.


In accidents involving unattended property where the owner cannot be identified or located, drivers are required to leave a note with their name, contact information, and an explanation of the accident and then report the accident to law enforcement.


These reporting requirements help ensure that all parties are held accountable and that an accurate record of the accident exists for insurance and potential legal proceedings. Failure to comply with these requirements can result in penalties, including fines and potential suspension of driving privileges. It may also negatively affect any insurance claims or lawsuits arising from the accident.

You’ll want to speak with a car injury lawyer about your car accident as soon as possible. Schofield & Green Law offers a free case evaluation for all potential clients. You can set up a time to meet with us that works for your schedule. We can do a video conference if your accident has left you or someone in your family unable to move easily or ride in a motor vehicle.

Don’t Let the Clock Run Out On Your Legal Rights

At Schofield & Green Law, our Colorado Springs accident attorneys understand the immense challenges and stress you may face following a car accident. Your focus should be on recovery and healing, not navigating the complexities of legal procedures and insurance claims. Allow our dedicated and experienced Colorado Springs car accident lawyers to fight for your rights and secure the compensation you deserve.